Thursday, January 27, 2011

Now What?

It's the early afternoon. The kids are finally asleep for their afternoon nap. Now, what to do with the couple hours I have to myself. Today, I decided on Bible reading. I am attempting to follow my church's reading plan for the year. I'm focusing on the book of Genesis. I am surprised at how deceitful some of the people were, people chosen to be used by God. Isaac and Rebecca were deeply in love, but Rebecca helped her son Jacob steel his brother Esau's blessing. And this is after Jacob had already demanded Esau to sell him his birthright for a bowl of stew. Isaac and Rebecca also had favorites between their kids (big no no in my book). These people seem like they were a mess, but God used them to become a great nation and through them Jesus Christ our savior came into the world. 

It is encouraging to me to read of God's faithfulness despite human shortcomings. As much of a mess as we may be at times, God is faithful to meet us where we are. If we offer ourselves to Him, willing to obey no matter the price, He will use us, and we can have great impact in the world around us. God is not looking for perfect people to serve Him, just obedient people. How do we know what He wants us to do? In Matthew 22:37, Jesus says the most important thing we can do is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Then secondly to love others as ourselves. The latter is sometimes the most difficult, but has the most profound impact on those around us. When you show true kindness and God's love to people, especially those who have wronged you, the gospel is preached without even saying a word. Of course it is hardest to do this with those we know the best, our spouse or a family member. 

As I finish out this week I will continue to be thankful that God loves me as I am, shortcomings and all, and that He can use me even when I think I am unusable. I will endeavor to walk in love with those around me, especially my dear husband and children, being thankful that God has given them to me. I will try to be obedient to God each day, and if it is to simply take care of my family and to walk in love with all those around me, I'll do it. I may impact many along the way without even realizing it. Love God. Love people. :)

Interesting side note in reading through Genesis, I did some math, and if I calculated correctly, Methuselah, who lived 969 years, died the year of the flood. So my question is, did he die in the flood or of natural causes in the weeks or months before. I guess we'll never know. What do you think?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting Started

As a wife and mother, I often find myself struggling to keep up with all that is expected of me throughout the day. My adorable children expect me to be fun and fair, nurture them, and love them unconditionally. My wonderful husband has expectations of me too. The house should be somewhat not a wreck, some type of plan for dinner, the children should be taken care of, explanation of the origin of any crankiness (from me), and love him unconditionally as well. Basic stuff. Oh, yes, and bring home what I call "bacon bits." Working part time on the weekends at a local hospital, I don't exactly bring home the bacon, just bacon bits, but every little bit helps. Of course, I have expectations of myself too. One is to get a shower (never guaranteed when you have a 3 year old and 14 month old). That goal thankfully, is almost always accomplished. Other expectations I have for myself are to get some housework done, read my Bible, have some prayer time, reach out to the outside world (thank you facebook), work on writing (aspiring children's book author) and not go crazy in the process. 

With so many things to do and roles to be, how can I possibly do it all? I am comforted by conversations I have with many other mothers who confess to the same struggles. It's a true challenge trying to be the best wife and mom one can be. So many mothers are trying to achieve perfection. I gave up on that a long time ago. We can't be perfect. We are human. This is not an attempt to make an excuse of why I didn't get that load of laundry done. It's just an explanation of the facts.

Instead of perfection, I propose balance. Let's be real with ourselves at set reasonable goals for each day. Example: looking at all the laundry or all the bathrooms you have to clean can be daunting. Set a goal in a day that you will: get one load of laundry done, do the dishes (as many times as necessary), continue raising your children as the Bible says, read at least one chapter in your Bible, spend at least 5 minutes in prayer. This is doable. Of course, we must also rely on God for His help throughout our day. Even the most simple of lists can be impossible given the right set of circumstances. How do we find true balance in our lives? God is the answer.  2 Corinthians 12:9:

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.