Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Low Blood Sugar

I am one of those people who have to have frequent meals/snacks with protein 
to maintain a normal blood sugar. If I go too long with out eating, my blood 
sugar plummets, and I become irritable, shaky, faint, and start to not make
much sense when talking. I find it more difficult to remember my snacks now
that I have two children. I get so busy taking care of them, I forget to eat or 
put eating lower on my prioritized list than I should. After a while, it catches 
up to me. Watch out! It's cranky mommy! My husband can testify to the horrible
metamorphosis that occurs when my blood sugar gets too low. Not a pretty sight.
Then, it hits me. Why did I let it happen again? I frantically devour a scoop of 
peanut butter (a nearly perfect food) to rectify the problem. I then return to 
the person my husband and children know, and I apologize. It is a reminder that
to take care of my family properly, I have to take care of myself. 

God has been showing me lately that this scenario is a good example of what
happens to us spiritually when we go too long with out prayer and reading 
the Bible. To keep one's blood sugar stable, one needs both protein and
carbohydrates in the appropriate proportions. The same applies to our spiritual
lives. I guess I could say the Bible is our protein source and prayer our carbs. 
I'm usually pretty good about praying every day (good carb intake), but there are 
times I can go a few days or more without getting into God's Word (protein). 
After a while, it'll catch up to me, and I wonder what is wrong with me. Then it
hits me, of course, I need to read my Bible. 

Too often we get caught up with our daily routine and chores. It's easy to be 
busy. But God has been reminding me not to leave protein out of my spiritual
diet. Yeah, life is super busy, but we do need to make sure we our taking care
of ourselves, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, so we can then take care
of our families and others around us. 

If you don't have time for a "big meal" of God's Word, then just read a few choice
verses or 1 chapter and at least get a "snack." You can read a few verses a few 
times a day instead of sitting down and reading for a half hour. We need to make
God our #1 priority. Read the Bible and be in prayer every day and watch how 
much God will be able to use you to minister to your children, spouse, friends, 
coworkers, and others. And that is why we want to walk this Christian life anyway,
to affect others for God. To show the love of Christ Jesus through us and point 
others towards Him. 

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." James 4:8, ESV

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